Thursday, November 11, 2010


For the past few years, my husband has been taking grad-school classes in the evening to earn his MBA.  This means that on 2 or 3 evenings a week he often leaves his full work-day to head straight to school, on occasion dropping in at home for a quick bite to eat.  Although this routine has been a challenge in many ways (especially since we've had a baby), I have also learned to see it as a blessing.

Although I love being with my husband, I am an introvert, and so I truly enjoy time to myself.  I do not always have to be relaxing during this "me" time-- no matter what I am doing, I relish in the quietness and peace that comes to me when I am alone.  Doing chores, groceries, folding laundry or catching up on work are all tasks that I am known to occupy myself with while my hubby is at school.

Once in awhile however, I love to indulge in a little special personal time.  My favorite solitary things to do are to exercise, stretch, shop online, write and read.  At the end of a really tough day, I might even pour myself a glass of wine, bake, or put in a DVD.  Having this time to myself always helps me feel at peace and rejuvenated.

I'm curious:  What are your favorite things to do when you have alone time?  How do you schedule time for yourself when things get busy?


Kayla @ Petersons On The Go said...

Hi! When my fiance and I used to live in the same city, evenings without him were very strange. At first I didn't like it, but then I got used to it, and now I think it's going to be very strange to be home with him every evening once we get married!

I enjoy a lot of the same things that you do, mostly reading though. It makes me feel as if I accomplished something while at the same time relaxing.

CourtneyV said...

Chantal - Phil is gone at least 1-2 times a week during band season too - how come we never coordinated our efforts for Skype dates????
I do like having some time to myself to rejuvinate too - sometimes i just try to stay busy so I won't get lonley. I use the time to work on school work when I'm taking classes, watch a DVD, call a friend, grocery shop, catch a nap....