Friday, December 31, 2010

Desires of the Heart

I read something today that I thought worth sharing...

At times God gives us desires he never intends to fulfill. There is only one desire he will always fulfill and that is the desire to be with him in eternity if we obey his commandments. Temporal desires are not always fulfilled even if they come from God. Many young men want to be priests and they are unsuitable or lack the opportunity. Many woman want to be mothers but are sterile. These frustrated desires are meant to make us humble and more trusting in God. Ultimately being with him in eternity is all that matters. Maybe it is the unfulfilled desires that require a tremendous amount of faith that will be the very thing that ushers us into eternity with God.

A tough but beautiful truth.


CourtneyV said...

what a beautiful thought... I love that is tells us there are desires that really are from God but are not to be fullfilled in this life!

Little Monkey said...

Courtney, that is the part that struck me most too! God might give desires he never plans to fulfill; he gives them specifically to teach us to long more for him and know that he is our ultimate fulfillment. Fr. Thomas is quite a wise man ;)

Apple Jacs said...

Such a great elaboration on uniformity with God's will and His ultimate love for us.

Chantal said...

One of my daily prayers is "Dear God, help me to desire nothing but your will". It's almost shocking to me that God might will for me to have an unanswered desire, but it makes sense all at the same time. Thank you for sharing.