Friday, August 28, 2009

Help with Humility

How are you at asking for help? The past months have been a struggle for me, as I've been learning to deal with a very high-needs infant. I have had several family members offer to help, but in my prideful determination to maintain my "perfect-mom" image I've mostly declined and truly failed to reach out. Deep-down I know that accepting aid will actually make me a better mother to my son, but it sure takes a lot of humility to accept this!

Jesus modeled the path of humility by entering into the world as a small helpless infant. He depended on mere human beings to take care of him, as all babies do. Later in life, He established the priesthood through his apostles to help him spread the Word. Even during His walk with the cross, Jesus accepted help from others such as Simon of Cyrene. If the Son of God needed a hand during his earthly mission, what makes me think that I do not?

As women, we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect at everything. We need to learn that being open to help is a sign of humility, and not a sign of weakness. Moreover, we all go through times when much is demanded from us, and we need to remember to support and help each other whenever possible. Where would Christianity be, had Mary not accepted her call to help in God's plan?

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