Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Flirty 30's

One year ago I wrote a blog about turning 30. In that blog I reflected on my nervousness about being the big 3-0. Turning 30 wasn't as bad as I thought and being thirty far exceeded what I ever imagined. I always heard that the 30's are the best years of your life because by the time you are 30 you really know yourself and are settled in to who you truly are. I think the people who told me that were dead on! I can truthfully say that I think 30 was my favorite year thus far. In my 30th year of life I...

1. completed my third year teaching (the longest I have ever been at a single job) and still love what I am doing.
2. completed my first year of grad school in an amazing program that I am excelling in.
3. went to Rome where my faith was deepened and my love for the Saints was set on fire! I also met some amazing friends and prayer warriors from all over the country.
4. fulfilled my new years resolution of running a half marathon and even did it in the goal time I set.
5. went to Mexico and conquered my fear of heights on a giant high ropes adventure (well maybe didn't conquer it totally but I did complete the course).
6. was given the honor of being the godmother to two more perfect little babies (Lukas and Gabriel) who are such a joy to my life.
7. became unable to get going in the morning without coffee which I am told makes me a real working adult ;-)
8. finished out the year running my first (and not last) full marathon!

What a joy 30 had turned out to be. I can't wait to see what 31 has in store!

1 comment:

4.8383.6 said...

I'm turning 30 in march of 2012 and like you, in a way, im also nervous about it. It sound like you enjoyed your 30th bday / year!!!!!! also you did so many great things... I have a lot of great things planned for my 30th too!!! can't wait in a way!!! =)