Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mammogram Thursday!

Hello Ladies!
I know people see the word Mammogram and get scared, but I'm here to talk about having one! My mother had cancer when she was 40. I've recently learned that the new tradition in medicine is that if a immediate family member, like your mother or sister has had Breast Cancer, then you are to begin Mammograms at least 10 years before the age they were when the cancer was found. So I started mine this year, the day after my 30th birthday! They had an appointment on my birthday, but I thought maybe I'd skip that barrel of laughs. Anyway I arrived for my Mammogram and it went very smoothly. The facility was so nice, I caught up on some magazine reading and Food Network while waiting. The procedure is quick and easy. A little uncomfortable for a second, but when are x-rays ever comfortable?

My point: please check early, check often, and check always! Be one less with Breast Cancer! Don't be scared of the X-Ray!
God Bless!


Andi said...

My mom just had her's done and she's still cancer free 5 years after her whole ordeal! My mom was 49 when she was diagnosed, but I'll probably start getting them as soon as they are covered by insurance.

When we took our NFP class, the instructor told us that having babies early and often (if that's God's will for your family), breastfeeding, eating well, exercising, and not taking artificial birth control are great ways to lower your risk.

Little Monkey said...

Courtney can you please convince my mother of this?