Sunday, September 5, 2010

Parental Rights

My mother in law forwarded me an eye opening article about parental rights. Did you know that if your child is 12 years old you have NO legal rights to view their medical records?? Yup, your 12 year old who is 100% dependent on you for food, clothing, shelter, and allowance has the legal right to hide their medical records from you and can even go to the doctor to the doctor to be prescribed birth control (not sure if a pharmacy can fulfill that prescription though if they are under 18...) Yet another piece of legislation brought to you by pro-abortion groups to chip away at our parental rights. Don't you just love California?

1 comment:

Little Monkey said...

One of my students said to me yesterday, "don't you think Vegas is the Sodom and Gamorrah of today?" I responded with "I sometimes think California is the Sodom and Gamorrah of today"