Monday, March 14, 2011

Confirmation Saint-St. Victoria

When choosing my confirmation saint I didn't really know what I was doing. I was going through RCIA and the deacon told my class to pick a saint....that was it. I didn't really know anything about saints so I borrowed a book of saints from a friend and found a saint name that I liked....St. Victoria.

St. Victoria lived in the 3rd century. She was engaged to marry pagan nobleman, Eugenius. Her sister, Anatolia, was also engaged to be married to Titus Anrelius but refused to marry him because she had experienced a vision where she was told "Virginity is an immense treasure of the King of kings." Victoria saw the example Anatolia showed of the spiritual advantages to consecrated virginity and broke her engagement to Eugenius in order to consecrate herself to God. Both girls were imprisoned and martyred for their faith by their suitors. One guard, seeing the girls' unfailing faith, was converted and martyred also. St. Victoria's feast day is December 23rd.
I am so happy to learn about these amazing women, their constant desire to serve our Lord and their sacrifice. I am hoping that this Lenten Season can be a time of sacrifice and prayer for me. There is not much known about St. Victoria but I am glad that I chose her for my confirmation saint and got to do the research on her for my post this week!

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