Friday, March 11, 2011

A Neat Guide for Lent


The Lenten discipline consists of three separate parts:

1. Corporal or External Fast, including the abstinence from certain
foods, drinks, and amusements, i.e. music, and parties during Lent.

These points of fast should be stressed today especially with the
mania for entertainment besetting our society;

2. Spiritual or Internal Fast which consists of abstinence from all evil----sin.

Saint John Chrysostom taught that the "value of fasting consists not
so much in abstinence from food but rather in withdrawal from sinful

And Saint Basil the Great explains: "Turning away from all wickedness
means keeping our tongue in check, restraining our anger, suppressing
evil desires, and avoiding all gossiping and swearing. To abstain from
these things----herein lies the true value of fast!"

3. Spiritual Change achieved by the practice of virtues and good works
must be the main
objective of our fasting.

The Fathers of the Church insisted that during Lent the faithful
attend the Lenten church services and daily Mass.

In the course of the centuries, our fasting discipline has undergone
numerous and radical changes. Today, unfortunately, the observance of
Lent is but mere formalism, reduced to abstinence on certain days and
without any stress on one's spiritual growth or the amending of one's
life style.

It is urgent that we return to the pristine spirit of the Great Fast
which is so badly needed in our materialistic world.

Listed below are suggested practices that may be used along with your
usual Lenten family traditions of sacrifices and penances.

Corporal or External Practices:

* Take less of what you like and more of what you dislike at meals today.

* Take nothing to drink between meals.

* Do not use seasoning on your food today.

* Do not use any sweeteners with your food or drinks today.

* Avoid listening to the radio at all today.

* Take nothing to eat between meals today.

* Avoid any TV or videos; instead read the Passion of Christ in
your Bible or Missal.

* Take on!y one helping of each item at meals today.

* Say an extra Rosary.

Spiritual or Internal Fast Practices:

* Don't do any unnecessary talking; instead, say little aspirations

throughout the day.

* Exercise your patience today in all things.

* Don't make any complaints today.

* Restrain any anger, and go out of your way to be kind to the person
* who caused your anger.

* Don't be distracted with someone else's business.

* Avoid any gossip today. Instead say an extra Rosary to overcome
this great fault.

When asked to do something extra do so with a joyful and pleasant
attitude today.

* Speak in a pleasant tone to everyone today.

* Avoid using the phone today.

* Tell the truth in all your dealings today.

* Avoid any vanity or self-seeking today.

Spiritual Practices: [virtues and good works]

* Practice humility today in all your actions.

* Be generous today; help someone in need.

* Look for ways to be helpful throughout the day.

* Do a job that needs to be done without being asked.

* Be courageous; walk away from any impure situations today.

* Don't be at all idle today. Always be doing something for others
or for your spiritual growth.

* Go out of your way today to help or talk to someone who is
usually difficult.

* Volunteer for an extra job today.

* Say an extra Rosary today for the conversion of a sinner.

* Visit someone who is sick or lonesome today. Offer to say the
Rosary with them.


Apple Jacs said...

Love this. Great suggestions. Lent to me, is all about the small little sacrifices we can do without anyone really noticing, and these are all great for that.

Deanna said...

Great tips to try to incorporate into our Lenten journey through the desert this year. Thank you!

Andi said...

You're welcome!!! For task oriented people like me it sometimes helps me to have a tangible list of ideas :) I also really like how it just stressed TODAY! Even if we do something for a day, but do it with great love we can be assured that it pleases Jesus