Monday, April 4, 2011

St. Joan of Arc

I was reading the March edition of Columbia (the Knights of Columbus magazine) and one of the articles was on 3 saints of war: St. Martin of Tours, St. Joan of Arc and well, I don't remember the third...I found St. Joan of Arc so interesting and brave putting all her trust in God and taking charge of the French army. When deciding on who to write about for the martyrs week she seems like a great choice.... Born in 1412 Joan was a peasant girl from the eastern part of France. When she was about 12 years old she was in a field when she had a vision. St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret appeared to her several times. At first the visions were general and not personal but then when she was 16 years old the saints appeared to her and told her to go to King Charles and help him reconquer his kingdom. The Hundred Years War was going on at the time and the English were trying to take over France. Joan went to the king and the king granted her permission to go with a small army and fight. Many people opposed the kings' decision of letting a girl into the army but Joan knew she had to fight for her country and for God. She took her army and raised the seige of Orleans on May 8, 1429. Throughout the next year she and her army enjoyed many more victories for France. King Charles was able to go into Rheims and be crowned with Joan by his side. But the war was not over yet and in May of 1430 while trying to recapture Compiegne, she was captured by Burgundians and sold to the English when King Charles and the French didn't come save her. Joan was put on trial and by refusing to retract her statements that it was the saints of God who commanded her to do what she did, she was condemned to death and burned at the stake on May 30, 1431 at the age of nineteen. What a strong, faithful woman she was! Putting all her trust in God to do His Will and to win back her country. I am definitely going to start praying to St. Joan of Arc now for her protection and strength to stand up for Christ in my everyday life. To live for Him as she did and to teach my 3 sons to do the same. I have my own little army-in-training right now! St. Joan of Arc is the patroness of soldiers and of France. Her feast day is May 30th. St. Joan of Arc, pray for us!

1 comment:

Ben D. Kennedy said...

"Blessed are the peacemaker: for they shall be called the children of God."

Thanks for taking the time to honor Saint Joan with your words.

Ben D. Kennedy