Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Wonder-Worker

She is deemed the "wonder-worker" quite appropriately. Although we have few details on St. Philomena's life, we know the Lord worked wonders surrounding her death as a virgin martyr, and that she continues to work wonders to this day. This pretty princess, (she was a Grecian princess known for her beauty and for this reason, the Roman Emperor Diocletian wanted to marry her, but she consecrated herself to Christ as the age of 11) changed my life in more ways than I can count. I seriously can't stress enough how much I love this girl. Seriously. My husband proposed in the Roman catacombs with the ring inside her tomb (a little creepy if you're not Catholic), and we visited her sanctuary on our honeymoon, staying in the room of St. John Vianney, above her relics! Super, super cool. Many have found her to be helpful in the most hopeless of causes. She is the patroness of purity, youth, the imprisoned and much more.

I tend to think that the saints find us, not the other way around. They are our big brothers and sisters in Christ that can mentor us, lead us by their example, and help out when we need it, because they've been a child of the same parent, and they know better than us what to do and not do. I feel that sisterly bond with St. Philomena. Should you ever seek her aid in anything, just know that she is a teenager. She is hopelessly in love with her spouse, Christ. Before she delivers what you've asked, things usually get worse before they get better. It's what happened to her. She was imprisoned for 40 days and on the 37th day, Mary visited her and told her, "I am sending my archangels Raphael and Gabriel to help you, BUT first, 3 days of torture and then, your death." A crown of virgin martyrdom awaited her. She was faithful, and expects the same of her devotees. She also likes to make deals (hence, my daughter's name, Mina). If you keep up your end of the bargain, she'll keep hers. Just don't go back on your word. I've heard stories... And it's rather fitting that she died a virgin martyr at age 13, because I think that is when so many of the teens in our culture die spiritual deaths due to the sins of the flesh. She is the patroness of purity, and there is a tradition of wearing a cord of red and white around one's waist, as a devotion to her, and sort of like a chastity belt. It is a great reminder.

So if you have any prayer requests, don't hesitate to call upon St. Philomena. She definitely has a special place in the heart of Mary and Jesus, because they tend to pay attention to her intercessions. Get to know her...http://www.philomena.us/

Also, if you do ask her for her help, please toss in a prayer for a very sick little girl named Blaise. It is through her that St. Philomena came to me, and many others.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

I too love St. Philomena and pray to her. I chose her as my Confirmation saint! Love this post!