Thursday, September 18, 2008

My little "failure"

So I was reading up on Natural Family Planning to start relearning it. Every website sites success and failure rates. And I got to thinking ("Uh - oh", as my darling husband would say), aren't the failures really PEOPLE??? I guess it's a failure with respect to the "plans" the couple had, but seriously, how is creating an eternal soul considered a failure?

It's bad enough almost every person who found out about my pregnancy asked if was planned, but even with a 2.5 month old baby I am STILL being asked. Does it reeeeally matter? I mean, she's right there, she can hear you. Would you ask me that if the baby was 3 and could understand you? Sorry this is turning into a rant, but I guess it's just so lame that people place so much emphasis on "baby control" as my grandma says.

(Also, many website that cite NFP "failure" rates as 25% don't tel you that includes couples who don't always abstain when they're supposed to. The true bonus baby rate is 2%)

1 comment:

Chantal said...

Well said! It's funny how the contraceptive mentally can even creep into the NFP vocabulary, which should theoretically be 100% pro-life. Even though it is called natural family PLANNING, Catholics can't forget to let God be in charge of our families and fertility, and that every little "failure" is His greatest blessing on us.