Monday, September 1, 2008

A little meditation on Motherhood

Lately I've been reflecting a great deal on the various aspects of growth into motherhood, as I am blessed with a beautiful 6 week old baby girl to care for each day. Looking back on pregnancy, I've appreciated that preparation, and had many thoughts on the process.

The three trimesters of pregnancy really cover the three cardinal virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. During the first trimester, new mothers are called to sacrifice for this tiny life inside of them. No one can tell that you're pregnant, with the naked eye, yet you KNOW your body is doing something. There is a great deal of discomfort for your child that you cannot feel or see. You are called to believe, as a belief is a readiness to act, and change habits by taking prenatal vitamins, making sure you do not consume alcohol, and avoid the fun rides at disneyland despite what your eyes tell you.

The second trimester is filled with hope. Often called the "honeymoon" period of pregnancy, you (most women, at least) are feeling less sick, and more energetic. The Lord gives you little reminders that there's a little person inside of you as you start to feel movement. Tiny little feet and hands poke your belly, and suddenly, you dream of your little boy or girl. It is in this trimester that you can learn if it is a little boy or girl growing within your womb and the picture in your dreams becomes clearer. Your belly starts to pooch out showing others that you are a vessel of life, and it continues to grow.

The third trimester we are called to love in offering our bodies for our child. Your belly becomes much bigger and just getting up from the sofa becomes a weight training exercise. Your body looks much different from just 6 months earlier, although just as, if not more beautiful. And you start to really feel the effects of the extra weight. The baby starts to interrupt your sleep with stronger kicks, until your labor begins. You've prepared for this moment for 9 months and here you are, laying your body down into God's hands so He can guide this little child into the world.

That first cry is heard, and you can't help but think that suffering wasn't enough to deserve to hold this precious gift in your arms.

The period of love continues for the rest of your life because we'll give of ourselves until we can give no more. I'm learning that it's what motherhood is all about.

1 comment:

Chantal said...

Beautifully stated! It may be the first trimester hormones, but reading your post brought tears to my eyes.

Your meditation reminded me of 1 Timothy 2, 15:

"She will be saved through motherhood, provided women persevere in faith and love and holiness, with self-control."

I also immediately thought of the how the husband's journey to parenthood is similarly reflected through his faith, hope and love for his wife and child during this time of preparation...