Monday, October 13, 2008

The Problems of Premarital Sex

Last night Leo and I were at dinner with his cousin and her boyfriend having a political/spiritual discussion. They are both pro-life, yet voting for Obama. Lame. When talking about the abortion issue, we naturally got into the discussion of teen pregnancy. To them, the major unfortunate consequence of pre-marital sex, is pregnancy, so their solution for these teens is birth control.

Most of my clients at the crisis pregnancy center were in my office because they were concerned they were facing an "unplanned" pregnancy. The ones who were not pregnant, generally breathed a big sigh of relief when I shared the results of their test with them. In their eyes, their crisis was over. In my eyes, this was only the symptom of a crisis. This wasn't just one bad decision to have sex with their "partner." This was the result of a series of bad decisions that led them, by the grace of God, to me.

So when they think they're in the clear, and they are ready to walk out the door after the negative results, I hit them hard. Not physically, though sometimes that might be what they need (j/k), but we proceed to discuss their relationship, and why they're having sex. 

To me, the saddest part of their choice to have premarital sex is that they develop these disordered attachments towards the boys they choose to give themselves to. These girls wind up permanently bonded, through oxytocin (a hormone which is meant to permanently bond them to their spouse, or child) to that male they first have sex with. They can't see clearly or make rational decisions because their judgement is clouded by their physical attachment to this person. Their lives are thrown upside down but they think their right side up. Their bodies think they're in love.

This is why birth control is not allowing women to keep their freedom by preventing the "burden" of children, but is rather stripping them of their femininity and allowing them to be objectified all the more in premarital sex.

The beautiful consequence of these actions is that God creates new souls to love. The sad part is that the people in these relationships don't know what love is, so they need be shown. Birth control prevents the life giving consequence of premarital sex; it does not prevent the heartbreak. And yet, so many see it as a simple solution. If they only knew the truth...

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