Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Stop the Hate???

Now that Prop 8 has passed the real drama has begun. In this last week the No on Prop 8 supporters have protested and filed law suits. They can disagree with my support of Prop 8 all they want but I would like to challenge them in their behavior of doing so. They have protested outside of Mormon churches with signs that are ridiculously rude. What happened to the tolerance they preached about while campaigning? Just a few days ago some no on Prop 8 people threw poop on the front doors of a Catholic Church in West Hollywood. What happened to "Stop the Hate"? At a rally in West Hollywood the No on Prop 8 people were throwing around the N word blaming African American's for the passing of Prop 8. What happened to "civil rights"? I am starting to realize that tolerance, stopping the hate, and equal rights all apply as long as you do not hold Christian beliefs. I hope and pray that they take a good look at their behavior and realize this is not the way to accomplish anything. In the mean time, I welcome the persecution. Our Lord said "Blessed are those who suffer persecution for my sake, theirs is the kingdom of heaven."


Anonymous said...
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Andi said...

We would really appreciate it if you would show tolerance by refraining from using derogatory terms on our blog. No one is forcing you to read it.

Chantal said...

For all readers of Defining Beauty, please keep in mind that this is an orthodox Catholic blog. Although we do appreciate hearing additional perspectives, we would ask that you please be respectful of our beliefs. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I am not exactly sure as to what this person said, since the comment has been deleted, but I cannot believe that some people would be so rude as to come and criticize people who try to express their faith and beliefs in a peaceful manner. After all, this is a country where we can exercise free speech and where we have freedom of religion.

I am even more afraid of what people are doing to churches! This is horrible! I think that Little Monkey is right, they ask for tolerance... well tolerance can't begin until they are tolerant themselves. I feel hurt that people are desecrating places that are obviously important to us, like our churches, and then insulting us on top of that. I haven't seen a single christian or person that supports prop 8 being disrespecful to no on prop 8 supporters.