Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fruit for My Labor

Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of the Exaultation of the Holy Cross. St. Helen, the mother of Constantine, went on a pilgrimage in the Holy Land in the search for the True Cross.  The workers found it underneath piles and piles of rumble. They actually found 3 crosses and to determine which was the True Cross they laid them on a sick man. The third cross laid on him healed him, so they knew that one was the one Christ died on. Tradition tells us that they discovered the cross on September 14th. 

This year I am trying to be better at celebrating feasts with the kids. I am trying to make them special days throughout the year.  So Friday Tony's (6) art project was to make a cross and hang it in his bedroom, simple right? Wrong. I didn't have the whole pattern to cut out so we improvised, which meant I had to draw Christ on the cross. My drawing skills are no where near perfect but I made the best of it and drew an outline figure of Jesus with no details except hair. I asked Tony to color Him. Now Tony isn't really into coloring, he would rather throw a baseball up in the air and catch it. Well, he surprised me! Not only did he not give me any grief about coloring, he was excited to add the detail I left out. He drew the Crown of Thorns and the nails in Jesus' hands and feet, the wood Jesus' feet rest on and the "INRI" sign above him (and remembered what "INRI" meant when telling Daddy later that evening). I have to say I was pretty proud of my little Catholic boy! I am constantly amazed by our children's ability to retain information. Just when I think my efforts don't seem like they are sinking in, they totally surprise me in the most unexpected ways: sharing toys, getting silverware out for everyone instead of just themselves, and saying "Yes, Momma" when asked to do something (yes they eventually get to where they don't have to be reminded!). Wow, motherhood is awesome :)!

Tony, thanks for the blog inspiration!

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