Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Having children is selfish"

Sorry for no picture but I wanted to share this article:

This guy is part of a growing minority of men getting vasectomies before 30. It's a small population that has decided they don't want children (or responsibility)...

I have to say, at least he is up front with women he dates and tells them what he's done and that he's not having kids instead of wasting their time and other such things. So sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for him.
He knows what he wants, and doesn't want, out of life and he made the responsible decision, instead of knocking someone up and then thanking Jesus for it. How disgraceful is that!
We are over 6 billion people on this earth. There are plenty of children that need homes out there. If someone really wants to be a parent for truly selfless resons, they will adopt, not add to the mess that's already been done. Having kids is one of the most selfish things people do. More people need to wake up to this fact - we've already harmed God's planet so much and his beautiful creatures - that were here FIRST! Irresponsible immoral humans.