Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Homesick for Heaven

Yep, I said it: I am homesick. I've been in Australia for 3 months now while my husband is on a work assignment and although we are living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, I am starting to yearn for the one of the few things I cannot find an Australian substitute for... Home sweet home.

At night I dream about my bed, during the day I dream about my old routine. And of course, on top of this, I miss my friends and family terribly. Poor, poor me.

Ironically, I am aware that after the excitement of the flight home wears off, and my responsibilities and jobs start up again, I will yearn once more for something new. Perhaps I will even wish I could return to my extended "vacation" down under.

St. Augustine definitely had it right when he said, "God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you." It is a common human desire to always yearn for more, better, different. We think that traveling, more wealth, gadgets, promotions or television will fill that God-shaped hole in our hearts. If only I was thinner, if only I had more money, if only I worked less, if only I worked more-- THEN I would be satisfied.

The truth is however, that only God can satisfy this void, and it is this void that will keep us searching until we find rest in Him. Thank you Lord, for giving us this wonderful longing in our hearts to find you and draw closer to you. Thank you for humbling us, and reminding us that we cannot live without your love.


Apple Jacs said...

SO, SO TRUE!!! Thanks for this beautiful reflection Squinkla. Really struck a chord with me.

Kathryn Rose said...

Great thoughts here. Our happiness shouldn't be conditional and I don't think God would want that for us. And boy, those negative feelings can be addictive and life's way too short. If we can choose to be happy with what we have and the gifts we're given now, it makes for a much happier, easier and more beautiful life (I'm recalling that post about Haiti a while back and being thankful for what we were given). We're not living our vocations by always wanting more!