Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Leg Up on Fashion

I've never been against leggings-- just on the fence about whether or not we should bring back anything that reminds us of 80's fashions. I have apparently chosen a side however, because I now own a pair.

Why this change of heart? I began to admire the practicality of them. On most days, I tend to grab my pair of jeans rather than a skirt, mainly because I feel more comfortable and less restricted in them. With leggings however, you easily play on the floor with your baby in a skirt or dress, without worrying about being immodest. They also come in handy during cool nights, cold weather... or when you simply forget to shave. Not to mention, they also make great work-out clothes.

So there you have it: just a few reasons to sport some not-so-1980's leggings.


Apple Jacs said...

I'm so with you! At first, I got very lazy about jeans with my pregnancy, but since getting a maternity skirt, I realized skirts and dresses are actually more comfortable than jeans while pregnant, so leggings are my new favorite accessory. They're also naturally a more expandable waistband ;-)

Monique said...

Oh my goodness!! Leggings are the BEST!!! I didn't like them either...until I grabbed a pair last year. Love them!

Jaunebug said...

Totally agree! Didn't like leggings either (Do those come with a sweat band and leg-warmers? Um, no thanks.) until moving to the frigid Northwest.

All of a sudden, my Cali summer clothes could actually be worn in the "high of 60 degree" weather.

I shall never sign off on the oversized, inside out sweat shirt tied in a not though. Never.