Monday, January 10, 2011

The Best Doula Around

For those of you for whom pregnancy is easy, you never cease to amaze me.  Pregnancy is always wonderful (because it just is), but for most of us out there, it is TOUGH.  Sacrifices come in all (strange) forms, from constant nausea, backaches, exhaustion, teenage-worthy skin breakouts, swollen bodies, insomnia, mood swings, the inability to poop... and the list goes on.

I have been feeling a little uncomfortable myself lately, and despite the joy I have about being entrusted with a new little soul, day-to-day living has been challenging.  Through my first pregnancy, I was early on given the wise advice to turn to Mary.  Mary went through a pregnancy, and she is our blessed mother.  Of course it makes sense to ask her for help!  She has an understanding of what we are going through.

I had a fantastic new thought occur to me this time around however.  I was meditating on the mystery of the Visitation, when Mary (with child) visited Elizabeth, to serve her and help her through the end of her pregnancy.  I was thinking about Elizabeth, who was past child-bearing age, and how difficult a pregnancy must have been for her, this late in life.  Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months to serve; probably helping her with housework, making meals, rubbing her swollen feet and trying to make Elizabeth feel more comfortable.

And so here is my epiphany:  Mary took care of Elizabeth during her pregnancy!  Why wouldn't she take care of all pregnant women?

Lately, I've been asking Mary to stay with me, like she did with Elizabeth.  To come live in my home for these next months, and to help me to face my daily challenges.  Not only did Mary go through it herself, but she also lovingly took care of her pregnant cousin.  It goes without saying that Mary will lovingly care for any pregnant woman that turns to her.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This is a wonderful post! What great insight! I am early in my second pregnancy (we have a 10 month old son) and I am noticing the need to be mothered. I read this to my husband and we'll be inviting Mary to stay with us, too.
