Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Individually Loved By God

Recently when driving to work, or walking around a mall, or watching students file in and out of my classroom I have been struck with the idea that God loves each and every person individually. Every single person who has and ever will exist was willed into existence by God. He loves them individually and infinitely. He has a specific plan for their life. No matter where they are at in their relationship with God or what they have done in their life, God loves them as if there was no one else who ever existed. God doesn't just love us as one large group of people. He individually loves each of us. It is amazing to think that the complete stranger driving next to me in the car on the freeway has a purpose to help bring about God's plan of loving salvation that is their very own. With this thought I have found myself wanting to pray more and love those around me more. God sees so much goodness in them and I desire to have a glimpse of their goodness too.


Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

You are sooo right! I have always felt that God deals with each of us on a personal basis. This is why I let God be in control of others and just pray for them.

Unknown said...

Really true god loves us.. Don't forget to thanks him for the blessing he gives..