Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Imitating Jesus

A few nights ago I was bathing my toddler, when my mind began to wander.  Overall, we truly enjoy bath time in our home.  On this night however, my husband was working late, the house was a disaster, my son had been overtired and cranky all afternoon, and I was battling first-trimester nausea and (i'll admit it) a bit of boredom.  As a result, I was daydreaming of all of the other things I would rather be doing at that moment...

This train of thought led me to Applejacs' recent post, which created a discussion between working and stay-at-home moms.  I started to pray, "dear Lord, is this really where you want me right now?  Is this the best use of the time and gifts you have given me?"

Almost immediately, as I poured water onto my sons' back, I was hit with the beautiful image of Jesus washing his apostles' feet.  Jesus serving others, lovingly, willingly.  Wow, was I quickly humbled!

Oftentimes, women feel that careers are a ladder to making a "real" difference in the world, or doing something most important and challenging.  I think that when we truly search within ourselves and our current situation, however tedious it may seem, we find so many opportunities that Christ gives us to imitate Him, and to serve others, and to act out of love.  My faith teaches me that nothing this world offers is more important than this.

Perhaps I wasn't saving the world that night in any big way, but with a little added love, I was suddenly helping to do Christ's work on earth.


CourtneyV said...

You keep washing Jesus..... And trust me, as a teacher, there is nothing more valuable for the future of your child than to be a good parent! Some many children come to us these days, staving for attention, taken advantage of, living lives I can't imagine and they're only 8!

Apple Jacs said...

It is so true. Particularly when my husband travels, I think, "how nice it must be to be on a plane for hours without children grasping for attention or crying, to have that peaceful time." In reality, he'd much rather be at home with us if he could, and I am right where God wants me. I also really wouldn't want to have anyone else raising my children. There are great challenges but so many great rewards, and even more in Heaven.