Sunday, January 9, 2011


One of the other bloggers and I have had several discussions in which we both agree that our culture is facing a serious crisis of the loss of masculinity right now. Our discussion was spurred by Dr. Laura's recent comment that she thinks all men should have to go to boot camp because it teaches them discipline and strength. I think she might be on to something but I don't fully blame men for the way things are. Feminism was one of the worst thing that ever happened to women and to men. Let's be honest, feminism was not about the dignity of women it was about wanting to be men. Personally, I like being a woman and I like when men are real men. By demanding to be like men feminists somehow managed to emasculate men and convince them that they don't have to be real men themselves anymore. I think it is going to take the work of women to slowly turn things back around. I thought this blog might be a great place to start brainstorming together practical ideas as to how we can start encouraging men in our culture to be strong, brave, committed men again and undo the damage women before us inflicted.

Here is my first suggestion:
This is simple but I think it goes a long way. Women, let men make decisions when going out. When deciding where to eat dinner let them decide. This is one small way we can encourage them to be leaders. If they are good men they will pick a restaurant they know you like anyways so don't worry. Letting them lead in small matters will help build their confidence to lead in bigger matters as well.


Mary Kate said...

I remember waaayyyy back in my senior year of high school, our philosophy teacher was a wonderful priest who was also a canon lawyer. We spent a whole quarter of that year, discussing just this topic.
The simple act of confusing men as to whether or not to hold a door open for a woman, actually contributes to the breakdown of the family. Which, in turn, contributes to the breakdown of society. As a mother to 4 boys (and 2 girls), I spend a huge amount of time teaching them how to hold open doors for others (not just ladies), or reminding them to let their sisters enter the house before they do. Little things can make or break a society.
Great topic! Even better suggestion!

Andi said...

Yeah the restaurant idea can be a hard starting point. I married a follower and knew it. Even when we were dating I'd ask, "Where do you want to go to dinner?" I'd always here "I dunno. Wherever you want." Many many times I'd refuse to go out until he picked a place and 90% of the time he'd not decide and I'd be crabby and hungry. Fast forward 5 years later. Same question still gets the same answer, but at this point I'm forced to make a decision otherwise I don't eat...and that has negative consequences for me these days. Any ideas for how to get hubby to make a decision>

Little Monkey said...

Gosh Andi I am not sure. Maybe start encouraging him to make decisions that don't involve an empty tummy. There has to be a novena out there for indicisive men hahah!

Chantal said...

Go out to eat? What's that? ;)