Tuesday, July 20, 2010

40 Days and Nights for our Nation

Some of you may watch Glenn Beck already and be familiar with his call to pray and fast for 40 days and nights for our nation, but if not, I highly encourage you to check out his pledge. I recently started watching his show with my hubby, and while he isn't Catholic (yet; I really think he will be someday), he is quite inspiring and informative when it comes to national and world issues. He is not afraid to tell Americans that we must pray for our nation, remain faithful to God and to Christian ethics, and to call us to action.

Recently, some scary things have continued to happen in our country. The "Black Panthers" have been speaking out about how they think even "white babies need to die." The U.S. Dept. of Justice has just dropped a case against them for harrassment outside of a polling place, threatening people with clubs and other weapons, if they didn't vote for Obama. Their mindset comes from people like Jeremiah Wright, and others who our president names as his biggest influences. President Obama himself signed an executive order, giving himself the right to assassinate any American citizen that he sees as a terrorist threat. Seeing as how Congress and the Senate have let every other item on his liberal, communist agenda pass, I'm guessing they won't be stopping this one. It's a shame, but our country really has strayed from the ideals of our founding fathers.

In an attempt to fire up Americans to return to our roots, and celebrate the personal virtues of those who've fought honorable for our country, there will be a rally, on August 28, at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. to begin "Restoring Honor" in America. These are the very steps where Martin Luther King spoke about true liberty and charity. Glenn Beck will be speaking there along with others, including Sarah Palin.

During the next 40 days and 40 nights, leading up to the event, Glenn is urging Americans to join him in taking a pledge to pray and fast for our country. He is recommending 3 things based on the 3 cardinal virtues (does this guy sound like he'll be Catholic soon enough, or what?):

1. Faith - to PRAY, on your knees, every night for our country. Pray for our leaders, our citizens, and re-establish or build further, your relationship with God.

2. Hope - since Hope stems from truth, do not lie for the next 40 days and nights, and hopefully you create a habit of extinguishing this altogether. This includes lying to oneself, or those little "white lies."

3. Charity - which begins at home. So, take at least one day each week and do something nice for every member of your family. Write it down, and do it. Also, realize how blessed we are to live in this nation, and be grateful. Take notice of the things in our lives to be grateful for, particularly the gift of living in the greatest country the world has ever known.

I will be signing the pledge, because our country needs it, and my soul could use some prayer and fasting as well. I encourage you to join me, and offer 40 days and 40 nights for our nation.


Jaunebug said...

I listen to Beck's radio program every so often and really admire his zeal and desire to get at the truth. I hadn't heard him talk about the pledge yet, but I have heard him talk about 8/28.

I think he would make an amazing Catholic, and I think I'm going to start praying directly for that since honestly the only time I've heard him give flat out wrong information is when he is talking about the Catholic church. It seems that it's from ignorance rather than willful though. I know he's currently Mormon, and has talked about how the Masons had it right (yikes!).

Our nation definitely needs prayer (when does it not?) but I also heard an interview of Newt Gingrich today talking about how he converted to Catholicism a year ago and how he's thinking of running for president! (Not that I know anything really about him, but from the interview he sounded great.)

Anyhow - I think that there is a definite call to prayer going on in this country, and you know it's just GOT to bear tons of fruit.

Pretty Mama... said...

I agree, I feel he will become Catholic soon. My husband loves to watch his show and I have on occasion asked if Mr. Beck is Catholic. To which my Non-Catholic husband answers, No. I do pray daily for our nation and was not aware of this pledge. I also pray for my husband to get over himself and see that he and Mr. Beck are both standing at the doorway to becoming Catholic.