Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mr. Brenner

At my high school (and Chantal's and Applejacs') there was a government teacher/track coach: Mr. Brenner. He always seemed just a little rough around the edges, but he had 3 grown daughters and I'm pretty sure he was a giant softy inside.

I graduated from high school 6 years ago and I still find myself repeating his words almost every day: "Nothing of value is easily earned."

Want to have a relationship with God? It's going to be a struggle that sometimes feels like a one way street. It will take time out of your day and changing your behaviors and attitudes. In the end it's worth it, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy.

Those first 6 weeks with a new baby when all you do is feed and change diapers on very little sleep is pure boot camp while you earn their trust.

Even having the privilege of owning a home is hard work. My husband literally gives his life to earn money to keep a roof over our head and both of us work hard to maintain it and keep it relatively clean (don't even ask if it's tidy!).

Anyways, I guess my point is, when you are struggling with something you can try repeating this mantra and inviting God to help you. :)

1 comment:

Apple Jacs said...

Ah, good 'ol Mr. Brenner. His words do ring so true. While not as poignant, my favorite quote of his is from his brilliant speech at our graduation..."Boys, pull up your pants!"

His brazen strong speech though did also show his softer side when he talked about the necessity for a relationship with God, and holding onto one's faith. I think his words stay with all of us who had the pleasure of being in his classroom.