Friday, July 30, 2010

A Family that Plays Together

Things are a little hectic around here because my husband and I are packing up for a week-long summer vacation.  The past couple of years we have been fortunate enough to have excuses to vacation to beautiful tropical destinations.  If we didn't have the means to travel to a resort however, we would still make an effort to "vacation" together,  even if it meant planning activities in our area, having some relation time by our community pool, or visiting friends with homes at which we could stay.

We often hear that the family that prays together stays together, but we must also always remember to play together! If you think back on your childhood, it is likely that a lot of your fondest memories were probably some family vacations.  Whether it was a stay at a 5-star resort or a 10-hour road trip to your cousin's wedding, it was valuable time spent with the family God gave you.  Over the years we still find ourselves looking back on photo albums, watching family video footage and laughing about the things that went right (and wrong) during our holidays. 

When my husband and I were preparing for marriage, we had an honest discussion about the importance of making memories as a family throughout our lives.  We vowed that we would try to focus on saving fun money for annual trips, pilgrimages and family activities, rather than spending it on material possessions.  As Catholics we are reminded that when we die, we cannot bring our cars, boats and flat screens with us to heaven.  Time enjoyed with family and friends however, shape our experiences, who we are, and who we will become.

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