Monday, June 21, 2010

Carpe Diem

I just got back from a trip with my extended family. Recently two of my uncles have died from cancer, both battles were very short and one of my cousins suffered from a potentially deadly blood clot from a genetic disorder it turns out we all need to now be tested for. As we were reflecting on all these tragedies my cousin looked at me and said, "this is why I refuse to live with regrets." She and her husband have been trying for a few years to get pregnant and have accepted that it might not be in Gods plan so instead of sitting around waiting for life they have decided to quite their jobs and go travel through Asia for six months. (We are all predicting she comes back pregnant.) It is something they both have always wanted to do and at this point in their lives they are able. Life is so short. We all assume we will live well into old age and die peacefully in our sleep. Honestly though most people don't go that way. My uncle collected only 1 year of his saved retirement and then cancer took his life. My uncles died much earlier then any of us would have liked but while they were alive they really lived. Both of them worked in the Peace Corp. One of them spent many of his Saturdays driving down to Mexico to help build houses for those in need. My uncle Dave earned several degrees and changed jobs A LOT. Right before he died he told my aunt that there was nothing he regretting he did not get to do. Both had huge hearts and loved very deeply. This is not an invitation to be irresponsible. We all have duties but within those duties do not be afraid to do the things your heart desires because we have no idea what God's plan is. My cousins words hit me hard. I have decided to come up with three things I have always wanted to do (that are within my means) and DO THEM. Carpe Diem!


CourtneyV said...

Well I know one of them is to work a fireworks booth in Fresno, so consider that done!!! Glad I could help :)

Chantal said...

Are you going to share these 3 things with us? We can help keep you accountable :).

Little Monkey said...

Chantal that is a great idea. Once i settle on them i will let you know. Would anyone else like to share a few of their own?

CourtneyV said...

I want to go to Rome with Phil and get our marriage blessed - we only have one more year to do that according to Phil - he said there's a 2 year window. Andi, you might know more about it, since you did it.