Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our Anniversary Vacation!!!

So Phil and I are approaching our one year anniversary and we've planned a trip to Arizona! Well maybe not "planned" more like got a free 3 day stay for attending a time share talk on our honeymoon and cause I thought Sedona sounded nice and he didn't disagree, I booked the time share. We were a little worried about the heat, but the Lord is merciful and it says it will only be 85 in Sedona while it will be 100 or so here in Fabulous Fresno! I've learned something while discussing this trip, and that is that I am the kind of person who enjoys road trips and stopping along the side of the road to see the largest twine ball, while he enjoys staying put and spending time with our friends for a vacation. This was a big moment when I realized we had different interests, but I was really glad I realized that so we could both make sure to get our special vacations. (Don't tell Phil I love spending time with our friends too, so I get two great vacations.)

We're celebrating our one year anniversary and here the Lord gave me a chance to learn something about my husband. He gave us a chance to share our preferences and to understand it's ok to have different desires when it comes to vacationing. I'm interested to see what Phil will think of this trip...

As far as the planning, I got a AAA book and I've been asking people about good places to stop along the way. So far I've heard Laughlin and some dive restaurant where they filmed an old movie called Bagdad Cafe. I'm looking forward to a Catholic Chapel in Sedona I heard about and going to mass at St. John Vianney Church as the Year of the Priest ends - how fun to be in a church named after the patron of parish priests!

Here's to Sedona!! Please pray for our trip!


Jaunebug said...

How fun!

It's funny how you think you know the person you're married to and then all of a sudden you have a big "You like that?! How did I not know that?" moment.

Of course, we've only been married 2 1/2 years, so I guess there's still room for discovery. =)

Jaunebug said...

How fun!

It's funny how you think you know the person you're married to and then all of a sudden you have a big "You like that?! How did I not know that?" moment.

Of course, we've only been married 2 1/2 years, so I guess there's still room for discovery. =)