Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cleaning my Closet

I pledged to wear dresses and skirts for a month.  For 32-days (I enjoyed an extra day of the dare since I moved from Australia to the US within the month) I pushed my jeans to the back of my closet, and picked from my rack of flowy, colorful and feminine apparel that I typically reserve for Sundays.

As I was taking inventory of my wardrobe this morning, I noticed that I have several dresses and skirts that I NEVER WORE.  In one month of wearing strictly dresses, I never wanted to wear them!  This means only one thing: time to give them away!

Feel free to join me today if you would like.  If you did not wear it this month, you probably will not wear it this year.  Grab a big trash bag and donate your left-behind dresses to charity, host a dress exchange with some friends, or if you are really crafty you could make a bag or pillow with the fabric.

It really does feel good to make a little more room in one's closet.

1 comment:

Andi said...

im down or a dress exchange this weekend. i have stuff that i haven't fit in since before my first least i'm finally being honest with myself that it'll prolly never fit again.