Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Sunday's Homily...

I just listened to Matthew Kelly's talk Becoming the Best Version of Yourself and it he mentions taking 1 thing you've learned from Mass each week and writing it down. Here are the 2 things I heard at Mass (I couldn't pick just one.)
1. Saints are sinners who just keep trying
2. The priest told a story about a woman who had gotten arrested after speeding. The next morning the officer approached her and said he had made a mistake in arresting her - he just assumed since her car was covered in pro-life stickers, that she had stolen the car. (Our actions always speak louder than our words!)

1 comment:

Tabitha Bird said...

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

I couldn't find where to join yours???

Anyway, I am not Catholic, but I agree with #1. :)