Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A couple of freebies

I found a couple really cute templates for a weekly menu planner and a Honey Dew List. Enjoy!


Apple Jacs said...

LOVE IT! I've been using text messages to myself and scrap paper for my grocery lists but find that I always forget something when trying to write out one list for the week of meals.

And the Honey Dew List is cute! Hopefully this will prevent me from coming across as a nag when asking Leo to take out the trash or move something heavy.

Kathryn Rose said...

I'm a Post-It girl myself (our front door is covered in "To-Do" and "Don't Forget..." notes of delightfully cute colours), but the "Honey Dew" template was cute.

Now if it were made of Mountain Dew, then maybe Hubby would "dew" some chores... ;)

CourtneyV said...

My sister bought me some weekly planners for meals and I love them - I started writing the daily meals on a white board calendar too. I have one calendar that shows the week's schedule and then I have a big monthly dry erase calendar. I list meals on the big calendar when I grocery shop, so I don't forget all the meals I have in the cupboard and refrigerator. It's worked really well recently. I got the weekly and monthly white board calendars at Office Max but only cause I had a gift card - I'm sure they have good calendars at Walmart/Target. I also thought about using those cute monthly calendars you can buy at teacher supply stores with the fun boarders and laminating it so it would become a dry erase calendar. That's my goal, to have calendars with the matching boards for the months/holidays/time of year!