Every time hubby and I watch commercials for NuvaRing and Mirena we usually end up laughing and making fun of the commercials. First off all, it's really sad that our society is so desensitized that it advertises for birth control on TV at pretty much all hours of the day (even during Jon and Kate + Eight). I'm slightly dreading the day when baby will wonder what a certain product is and I'll have to give a kid friendly explanation. Oi. Anyways, we just find it hilarious that while the woman narrator is giving a rather long list of possible side effects which usually includes blood clots and other lovely things and reminding women that it does not protect against STDs the women on screen are being happy go lucky as if they hadn't a care in the world. Oh marketing. It really is just so sad, but everyone of these commercials reminds us of how freeing NFP really is. I am FREE from worrying about scary adverse side effects from pills and STDs. Yay.
On a side note, I keep seeing more and more articles about the adverse side effects of Guardisil and how it really isn't effective for the age range Merck is pushing i ton (the middle school set). Any thoughts? Personally, since I heard about the shot I told Matt there was no way baby is going to get that shot. It's either abstain or live with the possible consequences.
I don't think Gardisil is a wrong vaccination to get, because it protects from all types of Human Papillomavirus, including foot warts and hand warts (HPV types 1 and 2), which can be obtained simply by coming in contact with a person that has them (perhaps in a public pool, etc.)
I personally got that vaccination done, even though I am an active catholic and I don't engage in such behaviors.
I think the best thing to do would be to ask a priest or a bishop. But I don't think it would be thought of as bad.
It is sad how as women, we inflict these chains upon ourselves, and label them as PROGRESSIVE and FREEING. Instead of standing up together and making men HONOR our bodies and individual persons, we take painful and potentially harmful drugs and go through emotionally painful surgeries that allow them to use and objectify us even more, with very few consequences. If we step back and honestly examine many effects brought forth by legal birth control (skyrocketing divorce rates, adultery, STD's, pornography, sex outside of marriage), it becomes difficult to see the freedom provided by this cultural norm. It shows how far away womens' movements have strayed from true and fulfilling feminism.
I agree Matris, that there is nothing more freeing and beautiful than being confident that my spouse honors every aspect of my femininity (including my fertility). It is a standard truly worth waiting for in a man!
Absolultely the gardisil shot is not what it is cracked up to be. It only protects against a few of the over 90 strains of HPV and of the three most dangerouse ones it only protects you against one. Getting girls that shot just gives the permission to have sex, thinking they are safe. Gardasil will not protect you from other SDT's and their is no shot you can take to protect the heart or soul. You are wise to not get her vaccinated. The only reason any girl should get it is if she is going to marry a man who made past mistakes and might be carrying the virus since there is no test to see if a man has HPV.
This is so true. I was just thinking as I was watching Jon & Kate + 8 the other night about the commercial for Nuvoring. They show the women in one-piece swimsuits in the pool singing each day of the week. The ones who are "free" of the daily pill get out of the pool and interestingly, their midriffs are exposed, showing their empty wombs.
I found it particularly interesting since the belly should be veiled, as it is a tabernacle and therefore, so attractive to men. Yet, these women are symbolically disrobing their womb, unknowingly advertising their loss of respect for their most sacred body part.
I also agree with little monkey, that Gardisil is best used when a woman is engaged to a man who has made mistakes in his past that could put her at risk. Otherwise, there is just no reason, and it should not be pushed upon these young girls.
You think adultery and pornography is a byproduct of freely obtainable birth control? That is really reaching. Heard of the ten commandment? Apparently adultery was a problem back then as well.
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