Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I is for Intimacy

I'm reading the book Reedeming Love. It's a really sad book but it's made me think a lot about being a pure woman. The story is about a young girl who finds out that her father had wished that her mother had aborted her. Her father actually has another wife and family and the girl's mom was her mistress. When the young girl is 8, she is sold into prostitution. The story breaks your heart but it gets better. There is a man who we learn of, who is very close to the Lord and has been praying for a wife. The Lord leads him to this young prostitute. A good Christian man, he can hardly understand why the Lord would do such a thing, but he is her only hope at surviving her awful life.
Reading this book has reminded me so much about the beauty of womanhood and how important it is to protect our purity. The Blessed Mother was the image of purity for us. Her soul was protected from original sin and she remained a virgin. One of the greatest gifts we have as women is the ability to share ourselves with our husbands and to bear children. Mary, we ask that you would continue to help us keep ourselves pure for our husbands or future husbands for those of us that are single.

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