Saturday, August 28, 2010

X is for eXercise

I find that when I exercise I feel a lot better physically, mentally, and spiritually. God made us with a body and a spirit and we need to take care of both. Most important of course is the spirit but we should never neglect the importance of the body because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Women can become obsessive about exercise, usually due to vanity, so it is important to have balance. Still though, don't let life keep you from taking care of your body. Dr. Laura often tells her callers who are struggling with feeling down or depressed to start eating well and exercising to help them feel better. I hear her give this advice a lot to mothers who say they are struggling with the challenges of motherhood. It is easy to cut exercise out because we are short on time and don't see it as necessary. I think we need to start seeing it as necessary though because as regards our health is really is a necessity. I have heard that 30 minutes a day 3-4 times a week is sufficient to keep us healthy. This week I start school both as a teacher and as a graduate student. I am going to try to commit to exercising at least 30 minutes 3 days a week this school year. I will likely be tempted to cut it out when I am busy but in the long run I know that exercising will be better for me both physically and mentally.

1 comment:

Jaunebug said...

This is so true! When I get frustrated exercise almost always helps.

A couple of months ago I was helping a friend to train for a half marathon - and she and I both felt great. In fact, she said that that was the most "upbeat" she's felt since moving to the northwest.

Plus, just setting a goal and getting it accomplished is in itself really rewarding.