Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hard Week for the Dress Dare

So I'm subbing in a special ed class all week - I've been wearing dresses but I have to wear leggings with them cause I never know what will happen with the kids. I'm also having physical therapy on my knees and I shouldn't be wearing the ballet flats, but I can't find comfortable shoes for work and really shouldn't be spending the money. Today the leggings and shoes made my knee throb the whole day and my physical therapist did not appreciate my shoe choice. My husband is encouraging me to wear tennis shoes with my skirts so I'll have a good story (what a good man) - I don't want this school to think I dress crazy... HELP... I really want to give up for just Thursday and Friday while I'm at work...


Jaunebug said...

Jack Purcells! Or imitation... which are almost everywhere.

I don't know if they're technically cool to wear with skirts, but a pair of little white tennis shoes (not actual tennis shoes, but converses) seem to work for me. AND you can put an insert in them if you need. But even without them, they are more supportive than ballet flats.

TeaLeaf said...

I know how you feel about not wanting to dress "crazy looking." I have flat feet, so I am not suppose to wear ballet shoes or any shoes that does not allow room for an orthotic. So yea. Skirts and dresses are very hard for me to wear. I would love to do the dress dare but in that case my feet are more important. But chuck's work. Even though that wouldn't be a solution for me, since orthotics do not fit in there. One time I researched for comfortable flats online and people said that Dr. Scholl's has some of the most comfortable ballet flats. Whether its true or not, I am not sure. But I guess you can check them out online. I hope you knee gets better.