Monday, May 10, 2010

What this Dress Dare means to me

I've always been "one of the guys." I wear jeans and a goofy shirt every day. Seriously, every day. I just don't know how to dress myself well. If it weren't for Chantal's husband telling me "no" every time I unsuccessfully tried to layer shirts I wouldn't even know how to do that. Even my hubby has to remind me not to wear a blue top with blue jeans and occasionally just gives my outfit a weird look because I didn't get it quite right.

So I decided to use this dare not only to wear skirts, but to learn how to dress more femininly. Hubby even suggested I go shopping! And believe me, I did. :) Turns out I actually enjoy wearing skirts and feeling more girly.

Matt has even complimented me on my outfits the last 5 days in a row. That has NEVER happened. And it does make him happy that I'm wearing skirts so that makes me happy too. However, I don't think our 1 year old understands (or even notices) that she's been wearing skirts the past few days. I have to admit, I have had some trouble with the skirt while bending down to check on the baby, or playing at playdates, but the problem is really that I'm not used to having to keep my legs closed all the time (I can just hear my dad reminding me for the billionth time). It's good practice!

I'm really hoping that after this month I will continue to wear dresses (when I' not nursing) and skirts more, especially during the warmer months. No more worrying about finding decent shorts for me!

Keep up the awesome work ladies! (sorry for the dated picture...there are no photos of me in a skirt. Or of me at all recently.)


Unknown said...

Andi...Your hair really doesn't go with that silver dress

Apple Jacs said...

I'm so with you feeling prettier in skirts and dresses! I find that criss-cross top dresses work well for nursing. Or button down ones. I love them because you don't have to match them with anything. They're just one complete outfit all by themselves!

Colleen Hammond said...

Andi, this really touched my heart 'cuz I was always "one of the guys", too!!! I think you hit the nail on the head...learning to dress, move, and embrace our God given femininity!!! And isn't it amazing how others around us---especially the guys---appreciate and notice it?

Hope you don't mind that I blogged and links to your thoughts...!